Friday, September 7, 2012


Let me tell you a bit about me. 
         I grew up in the Midwest, Stanton, Iowa to be exact, I was raised on a large farm with the works, crops, livestock and of course a large garden to boot.  I can recall when I was young, I was sent out to pick the green beans at the hottest part of the day, and hated every moment of it, funny now I love yard and garden work- but I do not like Green Beans from the garden.  What I do recall, we did not have water systems, or irrigation and the plants would grow like mad, as well as the weeds- another chore I was tasked with.
         Moving along, I lived in Arizona, where water was like GOLD, and cost probably the same, so I grew Cactus and sun loving plants.  There was not allot of grass mostly rock landscaping.
         I lived in Mississippi, where again like the Iowa, the humidity made your garden grow.  I could put out a plant and within a week the crazy thing would take over the yard if I let it.
        Now in Utah, we have a short growing season, which means we are always in fear of frost up to Father's Day.  Then we can pretty much bank on late September to early October another frost will occur.  We have water systems as well as irrigation.  I only have the water system, and unfortunately the water rates continue to escalate.  I focus on plants that do not need allot of water and can tolerate the sun.  Since I have lived here for 10+ years I am having a great time experimenting to see what works and what does not.
My back yard around June time frame

My Garden in Mid August
While yard work is hard, I look forward for the first opportunity to get outside and dig in.

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